Navigating Exercise-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome
As a Nutritionist or Dietitian, you’ll likely encounter clients grappling with Exercise-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome (EIGS), whether they are fitness enthusiasts, endurance athletes or seasoned professionals. Research indicates that 30–50% of endurance athletes face gut issues, highlighting the widespread impact of EIGS. The symptoms — cramps, bloating, pain, diarrhea and nausea

Empowering Recovery: Nurturing Clients Towards a Healthier Relationship with Food
As a nutritionist or dietitian, mastering the art of sitting with discomfort and acknowledging this as part of the process is pivotal. Regardless of why a client seeks your help, the temptation to rush in and solve issues can be strong. Yet, amidst this pressure, it’s crucial to consider what

Spin the Wheel of Wellbeing: A Holistic Approach For Clinicians
As Nutrition Professionals, we are well aware of the intricate relationship between food and overall well-being. It goes beyond just counting calories or prescribing meal plans; it involves understanding the holistic nature of an individual and the significant interconnection of factors impacting them. Enter the “Wheel of Wellbeing,” a comprehensive